Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wall Expansion Day

Before we could expand the wall for the new refrigerator location, we had to create a straight transition between the existing dining room flooring and the new kitchen flooring.  With a chalk line on the floor for reference, I screwed our trusty ledger board to the floor, using the level to ensure there were no curves - no board is perfectly straight, after all!  This established my guide for the router.

 The router was connected to an edge guide, which slid along the ledger board to achieve a clean, straight edge on all of the floor boards - except for the last three, that is.  The router bit cannot get closer than about 5" from the side wall, so I used our miter saw to finish the job.

 I put a piece of flooring against the routed boards to check the transition, which appears to be quite good.  The router makes an incredible amount of sawdust, most of which I was able to capture with our shop vacuum as the chips flew.

Next up was the framing for the wall extension.

The dining room wallboard was installed first.

Next came the kitchen wallboard

And then the end piece.

Plastic corner strips were then screwed through the wallboard and into the framing.  Ready for spackling tomorrow!

Our jigsaw does a wonderful job of cutting drywall with very clean edges.  I only recently tried this as an alternative to using our utility knives and/or wallboard saw.

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