Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Sales

Not much happened in the way of construction (or destruction) today.  The excitement of the day was purchasing our new fridge and dishwasher!  We are scheduled for a delivery of both appliances (and a haul away of the old) on Tuesday the 21st.  This gives us a little over a week to get the remaining cabinets ripped out and the flooring done.

We also made another lovely trip to the dump, but apparently decided not to take pictures.  We were mostly disposing of plaster (from the removed wall), so it wasn't nearly as visually riveting as our last trip.  Of course, the day wouldn't be complete without a trip to Home Depot.  We bought some electrical stuff (wires and some sort of boxes that seem to be vaguely important for outlets) and safety goggles for the parental units.  Don't worry, I already have some pretty sweet safety glasses of my own (courtesy of my internship last summer).

Anywho, Mom has taken the day off tomorrow and we have plenty to do.  Monday will (hopefully) consist of:

  • Painting the two completely exposed kitchen walls
  • Completely removing the cabinets, sink, and dishwasher
  • Working on the duct above the stove
  • Wiring stuff (moving electrical outlets to more desirable locations)
  • Finally organizing all of the utensils in the new drawer dividers (purchased yesterday)
Don't worry - tomorrow I promise to actually have photos!

1 comment:

  1. What a better way to celebrate the solstice than getting awesome new appliances?!?! I wonder if it will come with a goat head inside?
