Friday, June 10, 2011

Tuh Dah Dump - Tuh Dah Dump - Tuh Dah Dump Dump Dump!

Today the upper cabinets in the kitchen came down - but not without a fight.  We had quite a fun time with several of the screws.  Some chose to spin in place (never moving away from the wall), while others remained frozen in fear.  We used a highly sophisticated combination of brute force and prying them off with a crowbar.  Eventually they all gave in and we were left with blank walls (mostly intact).

This exposed hole for the fan over the stove will have to move over several inches, and will require the removal of a wall stud and installation of a new duct in the wall.  Something new for me to Google!

The most satisfying aspect of the cabinet removal was when I got to smash the cabinets to bits with the sledgehammer.  Talk about anger management!  The pieces became so manageable that we decided that a trip to the dump was in order.  

We loaded Amanda's lovely new car (with a tarp for protection) with all of the debris we had created, and took up quite a bit of space with old particle board pieces, molding strips, gas pipe, etc.  This freed up a lot of space on the deck for even more debris!

We had a great time flinging the cabinet bits into the dumpsters.  Amanda varied her technique for waste removal, with a frisbee toss method, a flinging method and a "push down the slide" method.  Weeeee!


Our trip to the dump took us so close to the Great Indoors that we just had to swing by to look at options for our new refrigerator and dishwasher.  Luckily, Consumer Reports had just sent ratings for these two appliances, which we used as preliminary research.  We are fairly certain that the pictured fridge will be our new one and we hope to have it delivered just after the flooring is finished, but before the cabinets arrive.


  1. Crowbars and sledgehammers?? I see NO problems with this plan! Also, you guys should really do something about that mismatch in colors going on in the kitchen now sans cabinets. ;)

  2. I was rather starting to enjoy the yellow/white contrast in the kitchen. It gave the walls some depth.

    Can't wait to paint! It's likely to happen sometime in the coming week...or so they tell me.

  3. Clearly, so do we Brian! You're welcome to come over and admire its oversized beauty next time you are in town. Though it'll have to be in short bursts....we don't want all the cold air falling out! :)
