Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Plastic Wood

Took it easy today, doped up on Benadryl to fight off the swelling from a bee sting that I acquired during my Tuesday morning bike ride.  The bee had a head-on collision with my forehead and felt like a bullet.  I was flying down hill and the relative speed of the bee and my forehead was probably at least 30 mph

So, today I went over our new baseboards and filled cracks at the corners and at junction points.  I'll sand them down smooth tomorrow and start painting the various trim pieces.  Here's how it looks before sanding.  It will look a lot better after sanding and painting!

When there's a crack at the odd corners, slap a little plastic wood on them!

I also installed the towel bar in the powder room, after verifying (Google, of course) that the standard height is 48" above the floor.

24-inch Gatco towel bar

Today was the first day in about three weeks that we had useable sinks, so I cooked green beans in butter with salt and garlic, Cornish game hens on the rotisserie, and gravy, flavored by herbs from our garden.  Amanda cooked rice and we grabbed a bottle of Venho Verde and gave it a quick chill-down in the freezer while everything was cooking.  Now that we have use of a dishwasher, we can stop eating microwave meals on paper plates!

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