We have a lot of re-arranging to do with our furniture. When we started the floor work, we moved the wall unit out of the hallway and into the living room The plan is to give away the desk in the family room and move the wall unit in its place. After we sell our no-longer used piano, we'll move one of the sofa pieces in its place. Sharron has the master plan in mind, and I am here to execute it when the time comes. So today we cleared out more of the stuff that had been crammed into the living room. I removed the curtains that Sharron no longer wants and did a lot of dusting to remove spackling dust that had settled on everything. Had to take a Sudafed to stop my nose from running from the reaction to all the dust. So, this may not look like progress, but it's getting there.
Living room after today's clean-up |
When I went downstairs tonight to grab the above photo, I flipped on the dining room ceiling light - BIG MISTAKE! The low angle of light immediately revealed several divots in the ceiling. So, out came the bucket of spackling for one.....last....application! I'll sand that area again tomorrow and quickly paint it while the scattered daylight obliterates any semblance of a shadow from any remaining surface imperfections. The touch-up painting WILL be completed on Monday.
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